Vanadium Reflow Battery, Critical Minerals

An opportunity to secure a range of critical battery minerals for the era of electrification

Our tenements offer Australian Critical Mineral deposits of kaolin, vanadium and high-purity silica. Gold, copper, cobalt and uranium targets are also included. As such we offer companies that want to diversify or IPO an opportunity to enter in this mineral space.

Tenement Attributes: - E 58/545 granted four block license, has a target of 6-10 million tonnes of vanadium. This lease is contiguous to the Windimurra Uranium Resource (7.5 million pounds of U3O8) which trends into it. - E 57/1213 granted four block license, has a 750 metres linear strike of 300 metre wide bands assaying 0.5% vanadium oxide which represent a walk-up vanadium resource. - E 59/2409 in application seven block license, contains an inferred kaolin resource of 58 million tonnes @ 86% brightness. This clay resource needs investigation for its REE potential. - E 51/2077 granted fifteen block license, has gold, copper, cobalt and zinc anomalies which have never been drill-tested. Recent field exploration has discovered high-purity silica (99%) that outcrops over 10 metres in height and 1500 metres in length. - E 70/5670 - granted four block license, has possible halloysite kaolin. - E 70/5672 - granted one block license, exhibits fine to coarse platy kaolin, with some halloysite.

This package of tenements offers excellent exposure to a range of Critical Minerals and uranium. The gold, copper, cobalt and zinc credits are padding to ensure a company is well diversified. As the world turns away from fossil fuels and pursues clean energy production, this new era of electrification will need the efficient storage of this energy through battery technology.

Please click the links below for the latest Presentation:

Battery Mineral Project in .pdf

Battery Mineral Project in .docx

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Please email your interest to: manager@batterymineralproject.com
